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About Me

NSS grad, currently working as a JavaScript engineer for Help Scout

Previously worked at RoundingWell writing PHP and JavaScript

Formerly worked in coffee, both roasting and pouring. I'll make you some!



2D platformer built using the phaser game engine and gimP for asset creation

Explore the world as Abraham Lincoln, and defeat your greatest foe


A coffee shop directory built with Ruby on Rails. Need some coffee, look no further!

Shops are curated by apporved users, and only the information you need is presented. Want more? Click the name of the shop

Feels Like

Ever wonder what it feels like outside? Well wonder no more, here's the only weather info you need!

Uses the Weather Underground API, Geolocation, and some sick styling!

Also check out Jacket, for when the only question is: Do I need a jacket?


Medium Blog

This, That, and the Other